Blog Archives

Yes it’s custom made scalloped white oak walls and ceiling in our @theindependentaustin #penthouse project. Steel doors custom #design/build by @michaelwesandco and @michaelryandickson @urbanspaceinteriors brought their A-Game to this build as well.

May 1, 2020

Yes it’s custom made scalloped white oak walls and ceiling in our @theindependentaustin project. Steel doors custom #design/build by @michaelwesandco and @michaelryandickson @urbanspaceinteriors brought their A-Game to this build as well.

Yes it’s custom made scalloped white oak walls and ceiling in our @theindependentaustin #penthouse project. Steel doors custom #design/build by @michaelwesandco and @michaelryandickson @urbanspaceinteriors brought their A-Game to this build as well.

Follow us on Instagram here: @michaelwesandco

@theindependentaustin visible from the @urbanspacerealtors oculus #design/build by @michaelwesandco

May 1, 2020

@theindependentaustin visible from the @urbanspacerealtors oculus
 #design/build by @michaelwesandco

@theindependentaustin visible from the @urbanspacerealtors oculus
#design/build by @michaelwesandco

Follow us on Instagram here: @michaelwesandco

@michaelwesandco #design/build contracting creating an oculus to house a Big Ass Fan @urbanspacerealtors new offices.

May 1, 2020

@michaelwesandco #design/build contracting creating an oculus to house a Big Ass Fan @urbanspacerealtors new offices.

@michaelwesandco #design/build contracting creating an oculus to house a Big Ass Fan @urbanspacerealtors new offices.

Follow us on Instagram here: @michaelwesandco

And sometimes we use alien robots on our projects.

April 29, 2020

And sometimes we use alien robots on our projects.

And sometimes we use alien robots on our projects.

Follow us on Instagram here: @michaelwesandco

Should me make it a skylight!? Oh wait there’s another floor going on top of this 120 yr old building!

April 27, 2020

Should me make it a skylight!? Oh wait there’s another floor going on top of this 120 yr old building!

Should me make it a skylight!? Oh wait there’s another floor going on top of this 120 yr old building!

Follow us on Instagram here: @michaelwesandco

Zoom company meeting as we practice #SocialDistancing. #coronavirus #2020

April 7, 2020

Zoom company meeting as we practice

Zoom company meeting as we practice #SocialDistancing. #coronavirus #2020

Follow us on Instagram here: @michaelwesandco

Taste the Finish line @haasht

April 7, 2020

Taste the Finish line @haasht

Taste the Finish line @haasht

Follow us on Instagram here: @michaelwesandco

Taking this #coronavirus seriously. Keeping our workers safe as we fog everything on site with our hospital grade broad band EPA approved coronavirus killing product along with an anti microbial disinfectant for 30 day protection for our workers. #covid_19 #covıd19

March 27, 2020

Taking this seriously. Keeping our workers safe as we fog everything on site with our hospital grade broad band EPA approved coronavirus killing product along with an anti microbial disinfectant for 30 day protection for our workers.

Taking this #coronavirus seriously. Keeping our workers safe as we fog everything on site with our hospital grade broad band EPA approved coronavirus killing product along with an anti microbial disinfectant for 30 day protection for our workers. #covid_19 #covıd19

Follow us on Instagram here: @michaelwesandco

I checked out good! Cool customer. We’re checking all workers on site. #covid-19 #coronavirus

March 25, 2020

I checked out good! Cool customer. We’re checking all workers on site. #covid-19

I checked out good! Cool customer. We’re checking all workers on site. #covid-19 #coronavirus

Follow us on Instagram here: @michaelwesandco